Monday, April 21, 2014

Chapter 01 - TERMS

What is Abnormal?
Behavior that is culturally innappropriate, is accompanied by subjective distress and involves a psychological impairment (inability to cope with life's demands).

What is Cultural Relativity?
The perspective that different cultures may utilize different standards in the definition of abnormality.

What is Diagnostic Reliability?
Consistency and agreement between clinicians in use of diagnostic label.

What is Case Study?
The study of an individual clinical case.

What is Normative or Epidemiological Research?
Often involves the study of the incidence of a disorder in a population.

What is Random Sampling?
Selecting subjects by chance from some larger population.

What is Reliability?
The extent to which a measure consistently yields the same results on repeated trials.

What is Validity?
The extent to which a measure assesses what it is purported to assess.

What is Interobserver Reliability?
The extent to which different observers (or raters) agree on the way they categorize or in some way quantify a given observation.

What is Constructs?
Hypothetical or theoretical concepts that cannot be measured directly.

What is Construct Validity?
Refers to the validity of some specific way of measuring the hypothetical construct.

What is Correlational Research?
The investigator attempts to demonstrate an association or correlation between to or more measures.

What is Correlation Coefficient?
A measure of the direction and strength of the relationship between variables.

What is Experimental Method?
Research method in which conditions are manipulated in order to test the effects of manipulations on various measures.

What is Experimental Group?
Group on which the manipulation of interest is performed in an experimental design.

What is Control Group?
Group that is treated similarly to the experimental group, except that no manipulation is performed.

What is Significant Difference?
A difference unlikely to have occurred by chance and therefore reflecting a real effect.

What is Placebo Effect?
When an expectation of improvement is sufficient to cause improvement.

What is Double-Blind Design?
Type of experimental design, in which both subjects and personnel are kept blind with respect to whether a subject is in the experimental or control group.

What is Single-Subject Experimental Designs?
Experimental methods that do not rely on groups of people, but rather on repeated measures from individual subjects.

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